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The university has been examined as a case of “knowledge commons,” institutions for open but structured sharing of knowledge and information resources, as alternatives to information and knowledge producing institutions that are based on exclusivity - copyright and patent law. For more on the knowledge commons concept as a research framework as a prompt for case studies across many domains, and for relevant works published over the last 10 years, see
The university case study was published in 2009, as Madison, Michael J. and Frischmann, Brett M. and Strandburg, Katherine J., The University as Constructed Cultural Commons (2009). The paper is available at SSRN:
Most disabilities come with ageing and educators older than 60 will experience some form of disability. Is important to consider their needs to let them continue to participate and this forum and on the academic life.
In many countries individual with disabilities cannot access to University and achieve their full potential because the academia and the education system are not ready for them.
Please read watch this interview that corroborates my argument.
Thanks Antonio. Exclusions on the basis of physical ability are definitely part of our concern and you are correct to note that we haven’t emphasised that enough. Thanks for that comment and we’ll look to see how we can make that much clearer in the revision.
Jeff, thanks for your comments. We are indeed hoping to kick start a broader coalition of interested parties and organisations. The intent is for commentary on this book to in part guide us to potential partners that we wouldn’t otherwise think of so your suggestion of APLU is a great one. Stay posted for more thoughts on how we can take the agenda forward, both as individuals and as organisations!
Thank you for your courage and audacity in taking on such a complex and contentious topic! Amazing what you were able to pull together in just 5 days, with so many contributors.
You cover a lot of important terrain here, worthy of further discussion and ongoing experimentation. There are so many potential paths and pitfalls universities will face in becoming Open Knowledge Institutions. We all would benefit if this book would somehow help jump-start a larger dialogue, perhaps even some sort of OKI Community of Practice or learning network, with a registry documenting our respective efforts (successes AND failures).
After working as a “tempered radical” within the Cornell University Library system for over 20 years, I recently had the great privilege of exploring many of the challenges and opportunities you highlight in your book within the context of the U.S. Land Grant system, through a year-long Land Grant Informatics fellowship. You can access the output of that effort, including a blog series and final report here:
Public and Land Grant Universities here in the U.S. represent a particularly fertile ground for the ideas you present here to take root, across what is already a federated network. Perhaps orgs like might be interested in cultivating further conversations…
Thanks again for this much-needed and timely effort -Cheers!
Hi Jeff - thanks for sharing the link to your project. It looks amazing! And very relevant to the ideas that we have been working through. I am reading my way through your blog…
Please add a link here
Thank you!
Again, please add a link!
Is it possible to add links to some of these references projects/concepts? I don’t know this, and it would help me to not have to jump out and search. Thanks!
/see Table 1 below.