MIT Press Works in Progress (WiP) are written works in early stages of development that would benefit from an open peer review process. This program provides authors the benefit of community feedback in the development of their ideas, as well as the ability to publish an open access version of the content before more formal publication of the final edited work.
Authors submit WiP proposals to the appropriate acquisitions editor for their field.
WiP are vetted by the acquisitions editor and other Press staff.
If approved, the manuscript is posted on PubPub for open discussion.
Comments are moderated by the author(s) and facilitated by Press staff.
After the open review period, authors may revise the work and submit it for consideration for formal publication with the MIT Press.
The Press has first right of refusal, and all submitted manuscripts will be subject to our usual rigorous peer review before publication.
The Press supports greater transparency in the revision and review process as well as the open access to new ideas by readers, researches, and other interested audiences. We encourage interested authors to submit their work for consideration as a WiP and our readers to read and provide comments on currently posted works in progress.